GCSG issues Myanmar country risk profile

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) issues Myanmar country compliance risk profile

GCSG distributes Myanmar, our second country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today issues our second country compliance risk profile (“risk profiles”).  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance risks in countries in which they do business.  Our second profile is for Myanmar.   

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our proprietary country risk-scoring tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.        

Our first profile, issued last week was for Vietnam. Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

Access our Myanmar risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Myanmar-Country-Risk-Profile-zt2c.pdf

Access our Vietnam risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Vietnam-Country-Risk-Profile-kkph.pdf

Access our country risk profiles web page: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirts Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

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