WEF Publishes 2019 Regional Risks for Doing Business Report

On October 1, 2019 the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) published their 2019 Regional Risks to Doing Business Report (the “Report”).(1) The Report “offers a business perspective on the impact of global risks and illustrates how they are experienced differently in each region.”(1)

The Report tracks five risk categories using their Executive Opinion Survey and Global Risks Perception Survey. The only category of risk that ranked in the top 5 from both sets of respondents was technological risks. Cyber-attacks were listed as the most pressing risk for CEO’s in Europe and North America and in six of the 10 largest economies.

Based on data from the Report the top 10 business risks of highest concern globally are:

  1. Fiscal crises

  2. Cyber-attacks

  3. Unemployment or underemployment

  4. Energy price shock

  5. Failure of national governance

  6. Profound social instability

  7. Data fraud or theft

  8. Interstate conflict

  9. Failure or critical infrastructure

  10. Asset bubble

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in East Asia and the Pacific:

  1. Natural catastrophes

  2. Cyber-attacks

  3. Interstate conflicts

  4. Fiscal crises

  5. Extreme weather events

  6. Asset bubble

  7. Data fraud or theft

  8. Energy price shock

  9. Unemployment or underemployment

  10. Failure of national governance

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in Eurasia:

  1. Profound social instability

  2. Interstate conflict

  3. Energy price shock

  4. Fiscal crises

  5. Unmanageable inflation

  6. Failure of financial mechanism or institution

  7. Data fraud or theft

  8. Unemployment or underemployment

  9. State collapse or crisis

  10. Illicit trade

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in Europe:

  1. Cyber-attacks

  2. Asset bubble

  3. Interstate conflict

  4. Energy price shock

  5. Fiscal crises

  6. Data fraud or theft

  7. Failure of national governance

  8. Unemployment or underemployment

  9. Large-scale involuntary migration

  10. Profound social instability

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in Latin America and the Caribbean:

  1. Failure of national governance

  2. Profound social instability

  3. Unemployment or underemployment

  4. Fiscal crises

  5. Failure of critical infrastructure

  6. State collapse or crisis

  7. Illicit trade

  8. Energy price shock

  9. Data fraud or theft

  10. Large-scale involuntary migration

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in North America:

  1. Cyber-attacks

  2. Data fraud or theft

  3. Terrorist attacks

  4. Critical information infrastructure breakdown

  5. Failure of critical infrastructure

  6. Fiscal crises

  7. Failure of national governance

  8. Failure of climate-change adaptation

  9. Extreme weather events

  10. Natural catastrophes

Top ten business risks listed by respondents in South Asia:

  1. Water crises

  2. Terrorist attacks

  3. Man-made environmental catastrophes

  4. Failure of urban planning

  5. Energy price shock

  6. Deflation

  7. Unemployment or underemployment

  8. State collapse or crisis

  9. Fiscal crises

  10. Asset bubble

For additional regions download the Report at the link provided below.


  1. WEF - “Regional Risks for Doing Business 2019